How to Start Django Project with a Database(PostgreSQL)
In this tutorial, I will guide you, how to create a Django project, and connect to the most recommended database for Django, “PostgreSQL”
- Get familiar with Django to read or follow throughout this article understandably
- If you guys have no experience with Django beforehand, knowledge of Python programming is required
Software and Tools
- VisualStudio Code (Text Editor)
- PostgreSQL (Database)
- pgAdmin (Database GUI)
- Python version 3 ++
- Windows (OS)
In this article I use Windows, no problem if you guys use others like Mac or Linux, only some commands are slightly different, so I think this is not a problem, you can search Google to find those
Let’s get started !!
1. Create a directory, and virtual environment
- Create a project directory, in this case I use “django-postgres”
mkdir django-postgres
- Point to django-postgres directory
cd django-postgres
- Build virtual environment for the directory
python -m venv env
- The last step is activating virtual environment, so you’ve to run the command below
env is your virtual environment name, so you can name whatever you want, for my recommendation “ Keep it short and descriptive”
2. Install Django
After successfully creating the directory and virtual environment, it’s time to install Django
pip install django
pip freeze
Now, I’ve installed Django, and the latest version of Django will automatically be installed to my project, in this case Django version 3.0.8
3. Open a desired IDE or Text Editor
Open an IDE or text editor you get familiar with, e.g. PyCharm, VisualStudio Code, SublimeTex, etc
In this article I use VisualStudio Code, because it’s absolutely free, and of course you guys can follow this article without paying any cent. For my commercial project, I use PyCharmPro because it provides us everything we want, so it’s more easier to write and debug code.
- Click “Open folder” to import the directory we created beforehand into VisualStudio Code workspace
- Then open the terminal, because it’s more convenient to run the code in the same terminal
So it’s time to activate virtual environment in VisualStudio Code
- Hit enter, now we already activated virtual environment.
4. Start the Django project
Now, it’s time to create our first project, so this will have only one project in our directory, but you can add many apps you need
django-admin startproject postgresTest
I successfully created project called “postgresTest”
5. Start Django app
- In VisualStudio Code terminal, you’ve to point to the project directory using “cd” command
cd postgresTest
- Run the following command to start your first app
python startapp testdb
After complete building the app, then you can write your desired table that you should previously design e.g. which types of data you want to store in your database.
- Run the server to make sure that everything is okay
python runserver
python is the command that’s used to run Django, so you will use it many times a long with your project
6. Setting up a database server
I assume you already download PostgreSQL, if don’t, the following is the link to download → PostgreSQL downloads
- Open pgAdmin4
- Click server, and choose PostgreSQL version, in this article, I use version 9.6
You don’t have to separately install pgAdmin. Fortunately, PostgreSQL includes this for us in its package(free)
- Then create our database name
- Define the database name, for me, I named “dbtest” for the main purpose of testing
- Now I finished creating the database. Of course in the table I have no tables yet.
7. Get back to our code to config the database
I will switch from database GUI to my code again
- Navigate to
- Approximately, in line 76 of code, this is the database config part
This is the default database (SQLite3) that Django automatically provides us
. . .
'default': {
'ENGINE': 'django.db.backends.sqlite3',
'NAME': os.path.join(BASE_DIR, 'db.sqlite3'),
. . .
If you use SQLite, you can immediately connect Django with this database after migrating process without installing any tools or software because SQLite stores data into a single file, no server required.
But not what I’m looking for, the professional one I need is PostgreSQL “The most recommended database for Django”
Copy the code below, then change it to your corresponding parameters
- NAME → Database name e.g. dbtest previously created in pgAdmin
- USER → Database username (default is postgres)
- PASSWORD → Database password
- HOST → Database host (In development stage, use localhost or IP Address also available)
- PORT → The port that used to run the database (Default port is 5432)
'default': {
'ENGINE': 'django.db.backends.postgresql_psycopg2',
'NAME': 'your_db_name',
'USER': 'postgres',
'PASSWORD': 'your_db_password',
'HOST': '',
'PORT': '5432',
Remember: Don’t keep sensitive data in the setting file, instead, use the environment variable AKA .env file
Environment Variable
As previously mentioned, any secret or sensitive data should be kept as environment variables instead of hardcoded in the file.
We use django-environ package to manage .env in Django, let’s install it
Big thanks for for a really informative article
pip install django-environ
pip freeze
django-environ==0.9.0 # This
Now django-environ version 0.9.0 (latest version) was installed already, then create .env file to store environment variables
In the base or root directory, add .gitignore to not push .env file into our Git repo, also the files or directories following:
- db.sqlite3 (SQLite database file)
- /env (virtual environment folder)
- *.env (all of .env files inside our project)
The final version of should look like this
import environenv = environ.Env()
...# Your secret key
'default': {
'ENGINE': 'django.db.backends.postgresql_psycopg2',
'NAME': env("DB_NAME"),
'USER': env("DB_USER"),
'HOST': env("DB_HOST"),
'PORT': env("DB_PORT"),
8. Create a table
Get back to app in testdb/
- Create a table by writing a class/object(ORM) to access the database instead of writing raw SQL (Django automatically converts Python class/object code to be raw SQL under the hood
This is just a simple table for testing
from django.db import models
class Teacher(models.Model):
name = models.CharField(max_length=80)
age = models.IntegerField()
9. Migrate the table to the PostgreSQL database
Now, we have successfully written our tables but they aren’t being sent to PostgreSQL yet. So, let’s do “makemigrations” and “migrate”
- makemigrations → To update database models (We have to run this command every time when something changes in e.g. adding a new table, changing a field name, etc
- migrate → The last step to submit or sent out our table into the database server
Now it’s time to run “makemigrations” command
python makemigrations
I got this error “No changes detected” because I didn’t register my app
- Go to to register the app
No problem with the app, but I got new error “No module named psycog2”
The problem with this error is I haven’t installed a library called “psycopg2” This is the database connector making Django and PostgreSQL able to talk to each other
Let’s install psycopg2
pip install psycopg2
For macOS if you can’t install or the above command doesn’t work, use the following command instead, just add — binary
pip install psycopg2-binary
Now everything is okay, so I can run “makemigrations” again
python makemigrations
The last step is running “migrate”
python migrate
- Get back to pgAdmin
- Double click on “Tables” in pgAdmin.
- Now I’ve successfully created my PostgreSQL database and migrated all tables in my Django project to PostgreSQL
Django generates 10 default tables e.g. user, session, permission, etc. And the last one is my app table “testdb_teacher” table
Browse to our teacher table to check everything works well
- Right click → View/Edit Data → All Rows
It’s empty now, because I didn’t submit any data into this table. It’s out of this tutorial scope
Congrats !! We’ve been successful creating our Django project with PostgreSQL
What you’ve learned in this article are
- Creating a virtual environment for our Django project
- Creating Django project
- Creating Django app
- Running Django project
- Playing around with pgAdmin
- Writing a table using Django ORM without touching any SQL syntax
- Creating and configuring our own database in PostgreSQL database
- Setting up Django project with PostgreSQL
- Learning about a database connector library for a specific database
- Learning about migration process
- Browsing our data in our database in pgAdmin
If this article is helpful, please clap to support me in continuing my good work, and do not hesitate to drop your comment below sharing me your opinion or recommendation.
Contact me or feel free to be a friend to share knowledge
This’s my IG: sonny_stp